13 February, 2008

I Finally Got Around To Watching the Second Half of Season 3 of 'LOST'...And It Was Awesome!

It had been nearly a year since I last watched an episode of Lost (according to IMDb the last one I saw, "Stranger in a Strange Land," aired on February 21st, 2007! That's last year!). But that's all changed now. Over the past three days, I hunkered down and watched all 13 episodes of Season 3 I missed, including the time-warpy finale.

And it was awesome! ...Hey, check out Jack's beard!

I know, I know, I'm still behind the times. But FYI, there is no other show on TV that has the potential to excite me as much as Lost does. Just so you know.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Is it weird that you can be so into a show, but still not be interested enough to actually watch it? Maybe when I have a roommate again--a Lostie roommate--I'll fit the show back into my routine.